Ioana Vlasiu

Ioana Vlasiu, PhD in art history, is a senior researcher I. She graduated from Nicolae Grigorescu Institute of Fine Arts in 1996. After graduation she began to work at the Institute of Art History, where she served as deputy director between 1990 and 1995. Head of the Department for Modern Art and Architecture from 1990 till 2015, when she retired. Ioana Vlasiu was the first Romanian editor for RIHA Journal. Currently she is a member of the advisory board of Revue Roumaine d'Histoire de l'Art. Série Beaux-Arts.   



Program of the Romanian Academy - Encyclopedia of Romanian Art:

- director of the projects:

Dictionary of sculptors

Repertory of exhibitions in Bucharest.1868-1914

Dictionary of art collections and collectors in Romania
Artists and their travels

National research projects:
- director of the project “The Saint of Montparnasse” from Document to Myth: A Century of Constantin Brancusi Exegesis (2011-2014)

- coordinator of IAH research teams for the joint projects:

Study on Fundamental Symbols of Visual Communication (2003-2005) 
CyberMuseum of Romanian Art Universities (2005-2007)


- invited professor at the National University of Arts, Bucharest; courses in the history of Romanian modern art (1990, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001).


- 1994: grant from Getty Foundation, USA

- 1993: senior fellowship at Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study
- in the 70s and the 80s:
research residencies funded by the Romanian Academy or by the Romanian Union of Artists in Poland, USSR, DDR, Czechoslovakia.

· Romanian National Committee
of CIHA (Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art)
· Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art (AICA)
· Romanian Union of Artists

· member of Al. Tzigara-Samurcaº Foundation


Ioana Vlasiu has participated to the organization of several colloquia and exhibitions:

Les couleurs de l'avant-garde. L'art en Roumanie, 1910-1950, exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, Lisbon, 2009

Symbolist Themes and Motifs in European Art around 1900international symposium at G. Oprescu Institute of Art History, Bucharest, 2007

Mémoire sculptée de l'Europe et de ses aires d'influence XVIIe-XXe siècles, colloquium, Conseil de l’Europe, Strasbourg, 2001

Brancusi at his Zenith. And what next?, international symposium, Bucharest, 2001
Art and Ideology in Central and Eastern Europe, Romanian Academy & G. Oprescu Institute & IREX (
International Research and Exchanges Board), Bucharest, 1992


2013: After Brancusi
Futurism Today. 100 Years of the Futurist Manifesto

2007: Grigorescu and Modernity
2004: The last Classic. Gheorghe Anghel Centennial

2003: Three meanings of modernity, three anniversaries: Victor Brauner, Alexandru Ciucurencu, Octav Grigorescu



Vasile Popescu (monograph),  Ed. Meridiane, Bucureºti, 1971

Dimitrie Ghiaþã (monograph), Ed. Meridiane, Bucureºti, 1985

Anii ’20, tradiþia ºi pictura româneascã,  Ed. Meridiane, Bucureºti, 2000

Miliþa Petraºcu (monograph), Ed. ARC, Chiºinãu, 2004


Dicþionarul sculptorilor din RomâniaVol. I  A-G) and Vol. II (H-Z), Editura Enciclopedicã, Bucureºti, 2011-2012
Nicolae Grigorescu si modernitatea, Ed. DoMinor, Bucureºti, 2008. Ioana Vlasiu: editor and author of the paper 'Grigorescu ºi metamorfozele receptãrii critice', p. 67-77


Articles / chapters in:  

Tezaurul Academiei Române, vol. V: Colecþii de artã (series ed. by acad. Ionel Haiduc and acad. Pãun Ion Otiman; volume edited by Marina Sabados), Editura Academiei Române, Bucureºti, 2014

Istoria românilor. Vol. IX: România în anii 1940-1947, ed. by Dinu C. Giurescu, Editura Enciclopedicã, Bucureºti, 2008 

Noi studii ale avangardei, ed. by Cãlin Stegeran, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2006

Constantin Brâncuºi: destinul postum, ed. by Silviu Angelescu, Bucureºti, 2002

Látvány és gondolat, ed. by Gh. Vida, Editura Kriterion, Bucureºti, 1991

Arta popularã a aromânilor din Dobrogea, Editura Meridiane, Bucureºti, 1979


Articles / entries on Romanian art and artists in:   

International Repertory of the Literature of Art (RILA), Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass.

Bibliographie zur kunstgeschichtlichen Literatur în ost- und südosteuropäischen Zeitschriften, München, Zentralinstitut fur Kunstgeschichte, 1974-1978; 1990-1993

Thieme-Becker, currently Saur Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon, K.G. Saur Verlag, Leipzig, 1980-2008 – cca 100 entries

Grove Dictionary of Art, Macmillan Publishers, London, 1996

Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe. From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism, edited by Richard Frucht, New York and London,  2000

Enciclopedia artiºtilor români contemporani, Editura Arc 2000, Bucureºti, 2000

Un secol de sculpturã româneascã: XX, Dicþionar A-D, ed. by Alexandra Titu, Editura Meta, Bucureºti, 2001



Prize for Art Criticism, awarded by the Union of Romanian Artists (1990)


Istoria ºtiinþelor în România. Istoriografia de artã în România, editor: Mircea Popescu, Bucureºti, 1979; Catalogul experþilor, Societatea academicã din România, Bucureºti, 1997.

The writings of Ioana Vlasiu were reviewed, cited or mentioned by Sanda Agalidi, Barbu Brezianu, Theodor Enescu, Amelia Pavel, Cãlin Dan, Magda Cârneci, Mihai Ispir, Marina Preutu, Vasile Florea, Irina Genova (Bulgaria), Crisztina Passuth (Hungary), Andras Zwickl (Hungary), Dragoº Gheorghiu, Paola Mola (Italy), Ioana Beldiman, Ruxandra Demetrescu, Anca Oroveanu, Costin Hostiuc, Maria Criºan, Carmen Popescu, Jean-David Jumeau-Lafond (France).