
The Institute of Art History currently publishes three annual reviews:

Revue Roumaine d'Histoire de l'Art. Série Beaux-Arts

Studii și cercetări de istoria artei. Teatru, muzică, cinematografie, new series
Studii și cercetări de istoria artei. Artă plastică
, new series

Editorial policy 

The aim of IAH annuals is to publicize the results of current research in art history taking place in Romania, with occasional thematic issues. The main areas of interest are Romanian art in a local and European context, multidisciplinary and comparative research, the development of ideas in theory and aesthetics, the development of new research methodologies. The editors accept only unpublished work by the members of the institute or by other authors, international as well as Romanian. Manuscripts are published subject to selection by the editorial board.

A brief history of IAH reviews

The first issue of Studii și cercetări de istoria artei (SCIA) was published in 1954, under George Oprescu’s directorship. Initially, it included the results of research carried out in all of the departments within the institute; in 1964 the journal split into two distinct series: SCIA. Seria Artă plastică (ISSN 0039-3983) and SCIA. Seria Teatru, muzică, cinematografie (ISSN: 0039-3991).
Revue Roumaine d'Histoire de l'Art (RRHA) was established in 1964. It published new research articles in foreign languages, as well as translations of previous work published in SCIA. Beginning with 1970, the periodical split into RRHA. Série Beaux-Arts (ISSN 0556-8080) and RRHA. Série Théâtre, Musique, Cinéma (ISSN 0080-2638). Hence, the Institute of Art History appeared as the publisher of four journals between 1970 and 1997. Between 1998 and 2006, publication was discontinued for financial reasons for all the journals except RRHA. Série Beaux-Arts.
A new series of SCIA. TMC began in 2007, and in 2011 was launched the new series of SCIA.AP.  
The editorial boards included personalities such as Tudor Vianu, Camil Petrescu, Mihail Jora, Duiliu Marcu, I. Jalea, Zeno Vancea, K.H. Zambaccian, Theodor Enescu, Ion Frunzetti, Emil Lăzărescu, Paul Cornea, Virgil Vătășianu, George Littera, Florian Potra, Mircea Voicana, Ion Toboșaru, Dan Hăulică, Andrei Pleșu and others.

IAH reviews are exchanged with over 200 foreign partners.