Vlad Bedros
Vlad Bedros is a senior researcher within the Department for Medieval Art and Architecture of G. Oprescu Institute. He holds a BA and a MA from the National University of Arts, Bucharest. In 2004, he began his teaching career as an assistant at his alma mater. In 2011 Vlad Bedros obtained a PhD in the history of art from the same university, with a thesis on The Chancel Iconography in Moldavian Churches at the End of the 15th and in the First Half of the 16th Century. Currently he is lecturer at the Faculty of Art History and Theory, where he also serves as a Dean.
- e-mail address: istartro@yahoo.com; - correspondence: Institutul de Istoria Artei G. Oprescu, Calea Victoriei 196, sector 1, 010098 – Bucharest, Romania
Alumnus of the
- member in the research team of the project Repertoriul iconografic al picturilor murale brâncovenești. I Județul Vâlcea [The Iconographic Inventory of Brancovan Wall paintings. I. Vâlcea District], lead by Prof. Corina Popa (CNCSIS grant type A no. 847).
Armenian Artistic Heritage in Romania. Between the Nostalgia of Exile and Cultural Integration, Noi Media Print, Bucharest 2011
Cicluri ale arhanghelilor în pictura din Moldova secolului al XVI-lea [Cycles of the Archangels in 16th Century Moldavia] (his MA dissertation), published on-line by Grupul Român pentru o Istorie Alternativă [The Romanian Association for an Alternative History],
"Selecția sfinților ierarhi în absidele moldovenești (secolele XV–XVI)",in Polychronion. Profesorului Nicolae-Șerban Tanașoca la 70 de ani, Editura Academiei Române, București, 2012
'Iconographie et liturgie. Le programme de l’abside de l’autel dans cinq monuments moldaves', in New Europe College. GE-NEC Program 2004–2005, 2005–2006, 2006–2007, ed. by Irina Vainovski-Mihai, Bucharest, New Europe College, 2010, pp. 453–507
'Vila Iatan Poenaru' [The Iatan Poenaru Residence], in Arhitectura bucureșteană – secolele 19 și 20. Lotizarea și parcul Ioanid [Bucharest Architecture – 19th and 20th Centuries. The Ioanid Allotment and Park], ed. by Cristina Woinaroski, Simetria Press,
Entries on Romanian medieval masters (Gheorghie Zugrav, Gheorghe din Trikkala, Gheorghe din Ioannina, Gheorghe fiul lui Iacov, Gheorghe din Făgăraș, Gheorghe und Gligori) in Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (AKL), Band 52, 2006.
The Lamb of God in Moldavian Mural Decoration, în Revue des Etudes Sud-Est Européennes, Tome XLIX, 2011, p. 53-72.
'Notes on Elijah’s Cycle in the Diaconicon at Neamț Monastery, Revue Roumaine d’Histoire de l’Art, Série Beaux Arts, Tome XLV, 2008, pp. 117–125
'The Painted Churches of
'Aspecte ale reflecției eshatologice în tradiția Răsăritului ortodox și receptarea lor în țările române' [Aspects of Eschatological Reflection in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition and Their Reception within the Romanian Provinces], published on-line in Studia Patzinaka, 4/2007, pp. 175–193
'Rolul ideologiei politice în apariția și fixarea tipului de necropolă voievodală în
'Selecția sfinților ierarhi în absidele moldovenești. Secolele 15-16' [The Selection of Saintly Bishops in Moldavian Apses. 15th and 16th Centuries], Annual Symposium of the Faculty of Art History and Theory, 2nd Edition: Image-Document. Exegesis-Restoration,
'Teofanie și eshatologie. Percepții ale Euharistiei în iconografia absidei altarului în bisericile moldovenești (sec. XV–XVI)' [Theophany and Eschatology. Perceptions of the Eucharist in the Chancel Iconography of Moldavian Churches (15th–16th Centuries)], Weekly workshop Image, Object, Ritual in Contemporary Research, Faculty of History, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), 23 February 2011
'Altarul lui Dumnezeu. O redactare liturgică inedită în altarul Dobrovățului' [The Altar of God. An Unusual Liturgical Redaction in the Chancel of the Dobrovăț Monastery], Research on Romanian Medieval Art. New Data, Annual Conference of the Department for Medieval Art, 7th edition, 16-17 December 2010
'The Cosmic Liturgy and its Iconographic Reflections in Moldavian Late Medieval Images', International symposium Materialités et immaterialité de l’église au Moyen-Ăge,
'Reprezentări ale Mielului lui Dumnezeu în pictura murală din Moldova (sec. XV – XVI)' [Images of the Agnus Dei in Moldavian Wall Paintings (15th–16th Centuries)], Annual Symposium of the Faculty of Art History and Theory, 1st Edition,
'Diaconiconul de la Dobrovăț' [The Diaconicon at Dobrovăț], Research on Romanian Medieval Art. New Data, Annual Conference of the Department for Medieval Art and Architecture, 6th edition, G. Oprescu Institute, 17-18 December 2009
'Images of the Apocalyptic Lamb of God in Moldavian Paintings of the 15th–16th Centuries', Session 1618: Medieval Interpretations of the Book of Revelation in Text and Image, II, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 13-16 July 2009
'Image and Liturgy. Late 15th Century Moldavian Instances', Bridges and Boundaries: Revisiting the Byzantine Inheritance, Graduate Student Day of the Centre for Hellenic Traditions,
'Mielul lui Dumnezeu în pictura moldovenească. Contexte iconografice' [The Agnus Dei in Moldavian Painting. Iconographic Contexts], Research on Romanian Medieval Art. New Data, Annual Conference of the Department for Medieval Art and Architecture, 5th edition, G. Oprescu Institute,
'Diaconiconul de la Neamț' [The Diaconicon at Neamț], Research on Romanian Medieval Art. New Data, Annual Conference of the Department for Medieval Art and Architecture, 4th edition: In Memoriam Vasile Drăguț (1928–1987), G. Oprescu Institute,
'Picture and Liturgy. The Apse Iconography in Five late 15th century Moldavian Churches', Romanian medieval images – history / conservation-restoration / research, Restoration Centre of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 23 November 2007
'Schitul Păpușa: iconografia picturii murale' [Păpușa Hermitage: the Iconography of the Wall Painting], Research on Romanian Medieval Art. New Data, Annual Conference of the Department for Medieval Art and Architecture, 3rd edition, G. Oprescu Institute,
'Câteva observații privind reprezentarea arhanghelilor în pictura moldovenească (secolul al XVI-lea)' [A Few Notes on the Representations of the Archangels in Moldavian Painting (16th Century)], Research on Romanian Medieval Art. New Data, Annual Conference of the Department for Medieval Art and Architecture, 1st edition, G. Oprescu Institute,