Joint volumes

In honorem Adrian-Silvan Ionescu 70. Colecție de studii și amintiri despre Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, editors:: Marian Țuțui and Aurelian Stroe, București: Oscar Print, 2022, 568 p. An edition with articles in Romanian and in English. ISBN 978-973-668-579-8

Dicționarul pictorilor din România. Secolul al XIX-lea, coordination and foreword by Adrian Silvan-Ionescu, Institutul de Istoria Artei „G. Oprescu”, București: Oscar Print, 2020, 288 p. Authors: Eduard Andrei, Ioana Apostol, Virginia Barbu, Ramona Caramelea, Olivia Nițiș, Corina Teacã. ISBN 978-973-668-535-4

70 ani de la fondarea Institutului de Istoria Artei „G. Oprescu”
(editors: Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, Virginia Barbu and Ioana Apostol), București: Editura Academiei Române, 2020. ISBN: 978-973-27-32-52-6

Balkan Cinema and the Great Wars (eds.: Adrian Silvan Ionescu, Marian Țuțui, Savaº Arslan), Berlin: Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 2020, 282 p ISBN: 978-3-631-80396-7

In honorem Rãzvan Theodorescu. Profesorul la 80 de ani, editor: Dana Jenei, București: Institutul de Istoria Artei & Oscar Print, 2019, 376 p.; papers in Romanian, English and French. ISBN 978-973-668-549-1

Repertoriul expozițiilor de artã româneascã din București, 1865-1918, with a foreword by de Adrian-Silvan Ionescu and a postface by Ioana Vlasiu, București: Vremea, 2019, 224 p. Editors: Ioana Apostol, Virginia Barbu, Ramona Caramelea, Corina Teacã (coordinated by Adrian-Silvan Ionescu). ISBN: 978-973-645-916-0

Artiștii români în strãinãtate (1830–1940). Cãlãtoria, între formația academicã și studiul liber (editors: Ioana Vlasiu, Ruxanda Beldiman, Corina Teacã), foreword by Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, București: Institutul Cultural roman, 2017, 472 p. + ill.

Pãdurea spânzuraților, oglindã a marelui rãzboi (editors: Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, Marian Țuțui), București: Editura Oscar Print, 2017, 275 p., ISBN 978-973-668-443-2

150 de ani de învãțãmânt artistic național (editor: Adrian-Silvan Ionescu), UNarte, București, 2014

Szathmári. Pionier al fotografiei și contemporanii sãi / Pioneering Photographer and his Contemporaries (edited by Adrian-Silvan Ionescu), Oscar Print, București, 2014

Tezaurul Academiei Române, vol. V: Colecþii de artã (series edited by acad. Ionel Haiduc and acad. Pãun Ion Otiman; volume edited by Marina Sabados), Editura Academiei Române, Bucureºti, 2014

Dicþionarul sculptorilor din România. Secolele XIX-XX
 [The Dictionary of Romanian Sculptors. XIX-XX Centuries], Vol. I (A-G) and Vol. II (H-Z), edited by Ioana Vlasiu, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureºti, 2011-2012 

Dicþionar de termeni muzicali [Dictionary of Music Terms], 3rd edition, revised and expanded, Bucharest, Univers Enciclopedic Press, 2010 (G. Oprescu Institute of Art History)    

Nicolae Grigorescu ºi modernitatea [Nicolae Grigorescu and Modernity], ed. by Ioana Vlasiu, Bucharest, DoMinor Press, 2008 (G. Oprescu Institute of Art History)

Dicþionar de termeni muzicali [Dictionary of Music Terms], 2nd edition, revised and expanded, Bucharest, Univers Enciclopedic Press, 2008 (G. Oprescu Institute of Art History)

Constantin Brâncuºi: destinul postum [The Posthumous Destiny of Constantin Brancusi], ed. by Silviu Angelescu, Bucharest, 2002 (Institute of Art History and the Ministry of Interior)

Brâncuºi la apogeu. Noi perspective / Brancusi à son zenith. Nouvelles approches / Brancusi at his zenith. And what next? [papers in English, French and German], ed. by Gabriela Tarabega, Bucharest, Univers Enciclopedic Press, 2001 (UNESCO Romanian Committee for Cultural Development and G. Oprescu Institute of Art History)

Le patrimoine culturel national. La stratégie de la préservation - une stratégie de l'intégration parmi les valeurs européennes [International colloquium papers in French, English and Romanian], Bucharest, Univers Enciclopedic Press, 2000 (UNESCO Romanian Committee for Cultural Development and G. Oprescu Institute of Art History)

Producþia cinematograficã din România, filmografie adnotatã [Romanian Film Production, 1897-1970: An Annotated Filmography], formerly ed. by Ion Cantacuzino; edition revised and expanded by Mihai Tolu, Bucharest, Alo Press, 1998 (Institute of Art History and the National Film Archive).

Dicþionar de termeni muzicali [Dictionary of Music Terms], Bucharest, Scientific and Encyclopedic Press, 1984 (Institute of Art History)

An Abridged History of Romanian Theatre [in English], ed. by Simion Alterescu, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 1983 (Institute of Art History)

Enesciana, ed. by Mircea Voicana; vol. I, 1976; vol. II-III, 1981, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy; vol. IV, Music Publishing House, Bucharest, 1985 (Institute of Art History and George Enescu Center of Studies)

Muzica ºi publicul. Studii de sociologia muzicii [Music and Audience. Studies in Music Sociology], ed. by Mircea Voicana, Lucia-Monica Alexandrescu, Vladimir Popescu-Deveselu, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 1976

Cinematograful românesc contemporan. 1949-1975 [Romanian Contemporary Cinema. 1949-1975], ed. by Ion Cantacuzino and Manuela Gheorghiu Cernat, Bucharest, Meridiane Press, 1976 (Institute of Art History)

Teatrul românesc contemporan. 1944-1974 [Romanian Contemporary Theatre. 1949-1974], ed. by Simion Alterescu and Ion Zamfirescu, Bucharest, Meridiane Press, 1975  ("I.L. Caragiale" Award of the Romanian Academy)

Istoria teatrului în România [The History of Theatre in Romania], 3 vols., ed. by Simion Alterescu. Vol.I: From the Beginnings to 1848. Vol. II: 1849-1918. Vol. III: 1919-1944, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 1965-1973

Contribuþii la istoria cinematografiei în România. 1896-1948 [Contributions to the History of Romanian Cinema. 1896-1948], ed. by Ion Cantacuzino, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 1971

George Enescu. Monografie, 2 vols., ed. by Mircea Voicana, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 1971

Pagini de veche artã româneascã [Studies on Old Romanian Art], 5 vols., Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Vol. 1 – 1970, Vol. 2 – 1972, Vol. 3 - 1974, Vol. 4 - 1981, Vol. 5 – 1985

Producþia cinematograficã din România, 1897-1970: filmografie adnotatã [Romanian Film Production, 1897-1970: An Annotated Filmography], ed. by Ion Cantacuzino and B. T. Rîpeanu, Bucharest, 1970  (Institute of Art History and the National Film Archive)

Istoria artelor plastice în România [History of Romanian Art], 2 vols., ed. by George Oprescu, Bucharest, Meridiane Press, 1968-1970

George Enescu, ed. by George Oprescu and Mihail Jora, Bucharest, Publishing House of the Association of Romanian Composers, 1964

Scurtã istorie a artelor plastice în R.P.R. [A Short History of Art in R.P.R.], 2 vols., ed. by George Oprescu. Vol. I: Romanian Art in the Feudal Era; Vol II: 19th Century. Bucharest, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 1957-1958